
A simple table

Row 4 left empty on purpose

Cell A1 Cell B1 Cell C1
Cell A2 Cell B2 Cell C2
Cell A3 Cell B3 Cell C3

The same table but clicked the fit to page width option.

Cell A1 Cell B1 Cell C1
Cell A2 Cell B2 Cell C2
Cell A3 Cell B3 Cell C3

Table with headers

Column Headers

First Name Last Name Last Contacted Client
Kelsey Sanchez 2017-03-24 Computer Games, LLC
Samuel Mitchell 2023-07-06 Transportation, Incorporated
Stephen Wood 2014-07-03 Consumer Electronics, Ltd.
Kevin Hall 2021-10-11 The Printing Company
Katherine Wood 2014-01-08 Journalism, Incorporated
Victoria Baker 2018-11-15 The Mining Company

Row Headers

8:00 Est perferendis magni Sed quae ex repellendus similique et corrupti excepturi.  Quis et accusantium quaerat Et consequatur. Qui minima veniam Rem assumenda qui animi harum ab odit rerum eum natus minima et recusandae maxime?
9:00  Rem fugit eum inventore laboriosam et minus molestias aut enim autem. Qui minima veniam Rem assumenda qui animi harum ab odit rerum eum natus minima et recusandae maxime? Sed quae ex repellendus similique et corrupti excepturi. Quis et accusantium quaerat Et consequatur.
10:00 Sed quae ex repellendus similique et corrupti excepturi.  Quis et accusantium quaerat Et consequatur. Rem fugit eum inventore laboriosam et minus molestias aut enim autem. Qui minima veniam Rem assumenda qui animi harum ab odit rerum eum natus minima et recusandae maxime?

Row & Column headers

  Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Nov 2023
New Business MRR 19 616$ 66 444$ 33 625$
Churn MRR 2316$ 942$ 907$
Net New MRR 15 542$ 6013$ 7121$
MRR 120 342$ 125 209$ 2 356 871$

Table with more complex formatting

Not only this one has row and column headers, it also has row-level background and text colors set to override those. These are random numbers that don’t make sense, it’s not that I’m bad at math.

  Sep 2023 Oct 2023 Nov 2023
New Business MRR 19 616$ 66 444$ 33 625$
Churn MRR 2316$ 942$ 907$
Net New MRR 15 542$ 6013$ 7121$
MRR 120 342$ 125 209$ 2 356 871$

Tables nested inside other blocks

Inside a callout

Inside a column set

This a the left column of a set of two columns. The right column has a table in it

  Sep 2023
New MRR 19 616$
Churn MRR 2316$
Net New MRR 15 542$
MRR 120 342$

Inside a toggle block

This is a toggle block. It reveals a table when opened

  Oct 2023 Nov 2023
New Business MRR 66 444$ 33 625$
Churn MRR 942$ 907$
Net New MRR 6013$ 7121$
MRR 125 209$ 2 356 871$