Notion Wiki support

Notion Wikis are a very convenient way to create and maintain content. Potion now supports creating sites from Notion Wikis but we didn’t merely add support for a Notion Wiki, we fully embraced it.

Potion page properties

When you create a Potion Site from a Notion Wiki instead of a standard Notion page, Potion will add some properties to your pages:


By default, all pages in your wiki will be turned into a page on your Potion site. You may prevent a page from showing up on your site by setting this property to Archive or Draft. You can also set it to Sync Paused to keep a page on your site but pause the synchronization of its content while you make changes to it.


The potion:slug property allows you to control the exact slug value you want for your page. This is optional. If you leave this property empty, Potion will create and maintain a unique slug for your page based on the title of your Notion page. If you set a potion:slug value, Potion will keep using that one regardless of any changes made to the page title.


Web page have a title which appears in browser tabs and search engines. By default, Potion will use the title of the Notion page as the title of the web page created from it. You may set a different title for a page on your site by setting this potion:title property.


Defines the meta description to insert in the HTML header of your site. A unique and comprehensive description of your page’s content with relevant keywords is important for SEO. You should set a description for all pages you hope will rank well on search engines.